UCB - Upright Citizens Brigade

Last Friday we dropped in on the UCB to watch Mark join the improv cast of BANGARANG! Now you are probably asking "why didn't i hear about this?", well, Mark was the surprise guest. Surprise being the key word. So we couldn't leak that he was the guest until the show started. 

Bangarang! starts off with the guest or surprise guest in this case, telling a story based off of a random audience member yelling something out to the crowd. Friday's performance started off with the word "laser". Mark, after a few seconds of thought, told the story of the time blink-182 brought out on tour the second most powerful civilian laser in North America.

The Bangarang cast takes the stage after Mark's story and does 20 amazing minutes of improv based on lasers, touring, and dead pixels. Part of the cast that night was Lauren Lapkus, which you might recognize from the movie Jurassic World or Netflix's Orange is the New Black. We have Lauren to thank for getting Mark involved. 

Mark told two more stories during the night, and the Bangarang! cast killed it every time. We'd like to thank everyone involved. Give them a follow on Twitter or better yet, go see them live at UCB.


HMNIM PODCAST - episode 6: WeeHalvePause

And we are BACK.....coming to you all the way from jolly olde England. This is our 6th podcast, well, more of a "PAWS-cast" but we do kick it off with talk of the I'M SCARED movie score. James and Mark brag about being big time movie scorers...hear a bit about their hard work on the Billboard exclusive trailer HERE

And for a more behind-the-scenes look at the making of "I'M SCARED" check out director Pete Levin's blog HERE.

For the last month, Mark and James have been holed up in the English countryside recording the new PAWS album. To hear how awful it was to work with them on a daily basis we have a whole podcast dedicated to the Glaswegian band PAWS to air their grievances.

PAWS are Phillip, Josh, and Ryan.

Phillip jots down some questions about jam for Mark. 

The infamous "shaker"

Ryan laying down a track.

Mark "producing" really hard here.

All photos by Harrison Reid.

For all things PAWS go here:

Twitter: @wehavepaws
Instagram: @wehavepaws


HMNIM PODCAST - episode 5: Run fast until you fall down

Here is a recap of the podcast, or if you don't own a podcast player this is the next best thing.

Whitmer's standup doing "I miss you"

The Dougie Poynter interview-
At the Met Gala:


Hate your guts - mcbusted + mark

Doug's Children's book - The Dinosaur that pooped a planet.

Paws - Owls Talons Clenching My Heart

Hop along - new album art

Colleen Green's Cover of blink182's m&ms

Mark dj's at the all time low concert

Neck Deep - Can't kick up the roots



Who is Snake Plisskin? or if you are Auto Correct "Snack" Plisskin. Snake Plisskin was the most bad ass anti-hero from the 80's and the perfect name for a cover band. And that is exactly what "Snake Plisskin & the I thought you were deads" is. A one night only, 6 song cover band made up of one Mark Hoppus, Jonas Ray, and Whitmer Thomas, with a special guest vocal from Ali of Upset.

  1. Descendents - Silly Girl
  2. The Vaselines - Molly's Lips
  3. Ramones - Pet Sematary
  4. Jawbreaker - Boxcar
  5. blink-182 - I Miss You
  6. blink-182 - Dammit

All photos by the always lovely Megan Thompson.


We are going to shine the spotlight on Texas artist Mike Guerrero. Who as you might have guessed will be our next collaborative artist here. As we get closer to the release we give you a sneak peek at what we have in store, until then, here are a few pieces from Mike to wet your appetite. 

HMNIM PODCAST - episode 4: What the hell is a Matt Skiba?

The podcast is back and this one is definitely well worth the wait. And with that, blink is also back with a series of shows this week in Southern California. More on that below...


This podcast will surely entertain you. Let's start off with a mention about a super cool and important collaboration we did with Craola to help raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. You learned all about it in our last post and you can see more here...

And now, we welcome Matt Skiba...Who the hell is Matt Skiba? 

Matt's guitar




So pretty we are showing it twice

And what the hell is a Kemper?, well this is a Kemper


 To hear, learn, see more of Matt Skiba and the Sekrets click HERE