HMNIM PODCAST - episode 5: Run fast until you fall down

Here is a recap of the podcast, or if you don't own a podcast player this is the next best thing.

Whitmer's standup doing "I miss you"

The Dougie Poynter interview-
At the Met Gala:


Hate your guts - mcbusted + mark

Doug's Children's book - The Dinosaur that pooped a planet.

Paws - Owls Talons Clenching My Heart

Hop along - new album art

Colleen Green's Cover of blink182's m&ms

Mark dj's at the all time low concert

Neck Deep - Can't kick up the roots



Who is Snake Plisskin? or if you are Auto Correct "Snack" Plisskin. Snake Plisskin was the most bad ass anti-hero from the 80's and the perfect name for a cover band. And that is exactly what "Snake Plisskin & the I thought you were deads" is. A one night only, 6 song cover band made up of one Mark Hoppus, Jonas Ray, and Whitmer Thomas, with a special guest vocal from Ali of Upset.

  1. Descendents - Silly Girl
  2. The Vaselines - Molly's Lips
  3. Ramones - Pet Sematary
  4. Jawbreaker - Boxcar
  5. blink-182 - I Miss You
  6. blink-182 - Dammit

All photos by the always lovely Megan Thompson.


A few weeks ago we came upon a message from Haydn Curtis, who was wondering if it would be ok to do a parody of a blink182 shirt to help raise money and awareness for his little sister Gwen who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. We got to talking and wanted to get involved in helping in a bigger way

 Mark volunteered one of his guitars, and Greg "Craola" Simkins volunteered his immense talent to bring us a one of a kind, and do we mean "one of a kind" guitar. Not a "limited edition", there is not another one like this on the planet. Mark is going to be playing the "Bassola" guitar this week. So it's just not a pretty wall guitar, this one will have been on stage, seen the lights, the crowds, and actually played. The guitar will be auctioned off to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. You can start bidding HERE


HMNIM PODCAST - episode 3: Happy New Year?

Welcome to Episode 3 of the Hi MY NAME IS MARK podcast, formally titled Happy New Year?


It's the first podcast of the new year. We talk about the lack of Christmas gifts, Game of Thrones, and we catch up with Alex and Jack from All Time Low and even get to listen to the new single from their forthcoming album Future Hearts - "Something's Gotta Give". We also talk with music photo maven Megan Thompson, who tells us about the photo industry and what it takes to make it as a photographer in Los Angeles. 

Mark's Eagles Mug

And here is Megan Thompson, with some of her friends

Alex -- All Time Low

Jack -- All Time Low

Mark as Robert Smith, thanks to Megan's fine makeup work...


More of our very own Mark Hoppus, shot by Megan Thompson (Fil is the one in shorts.)

Andy from

 Mark's gardening hat

Some of Megan's favorite photos:

Hayley Williams -- Paramore

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